Thursday, February 17, 2011

365 days 24,25 and 26

Hey guys. Sorry about the lack of posts these past few days. We finally baught a car and we both feel really great about it so hoorah for having that weight lifted off our shoulders! Also I've been working overtime at work this week which has really tired me out so please forgive my half-assed drawings. But like I promised in the begining of this venture; I WILL post my work no matter HOW much I hate it. So here you go!

Day 24
The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen
Title: Tired

This is an exaggerated illustration of how I felt Monday, after buying the car. Don't  get me wrong I was happy, just exausted.

Day 25
The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen (with alterations done in picture manager)
Title: Strange bird

Day 26
The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen
Title: My fish tank