Monday, February 28, 2011

365 day 38

The assignment: Create a stencil and use it in your work today.
Medium: poster paper and stamp ink
Title: Abstract Oscar

This was originally suppose to be a stencil of the Oscar statue, but it turned out quite differently.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

365 day 36 and 37

 Day 36
Assignment: Free day
Medium: stamp ink and right index finger
Title: none

Day 37
Assignment: Free day
Medium: colored pencil
Title: My Garden

Friday, February 25, 2011

365 day 35

assignment: Free day
Medium: colored pencil, pencil,pen and marker
Title: One Eyed One Horn Flying PURPLE PEOPLE eater!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

365 day 33 and 34

Day 33
Assignment: free day
Medium: pen
Title: ?

I didn't know what to do, so I just drew a bunch of stuff. Some of the stuff is recycled from a separate drawing project.

Day 34
Assignment: Free day
Medium: MS Paint
Title: Crazy Eyes

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

365 day 32

The assignment: Free day
Medium: colored pencil
Title: None

Monday, February 21, 2011

365 day 27,28,29,30 and 31 (whew!)


The assignment: Free day
Medium: Pen
Title: Mischa


The assignment: Free day
Medium: melted chocolate
Title: none
Chocolate lady. She's tired.

Chocolate bush?

Chocolate flowers


The assignment: Free day
Medium: MS Paint
Title: eMZee logo


The assignment: Free Day
Medium: Colored pencil
Title: Fire lady


The assignment: Free day
Medium: colored pencil
Title: none

I kind of gave up on her face...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

365 days 24,25 and 26

Hey guys. Sorry about the lack of posts these past few days. We finally baught a car and we both feel really great about it so hoorah for having that weight lifted off our shoulders! Also I've been working overtime at work this week which has really tired me out so please forgive my half-assed drawings. But like I promised in the begining of this venture; I WILL post my work no matter HOW much I hate it. So here you go!

Day 24
The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen
Title: Tired

This is an exaggerated illustration of how I felt Monday, after buying the car. Don't  get me wrong I was happy, just exausted.

Day 25
The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen (with alterations done in picture manager)
Title: Strange bird

Day 26
The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen
Title: My fish tank

Sunday, February 13, 2011

365 day 23

The assignment: Free day
Medium: pen, marker, colored pencil
Title: Oh woe is me!

Thoughts: Matt and I are in the process of buying a new car and the process has made me feel... discombobulated to say the least.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

365 day 21 and 22

Day 21
The assignment: Free day
Medium: colored pencil, pen and marker
Title: Cars Are Evil

Thoughts: This drawing was inspired by our car who ALWAYS seems to know how to eat up our money in the most inconvenient way possible.

Day 22
The Assignment: Free day
Medium: MS Paint
Title: A Million Pieces

Thursday, February 10, 2011

365 day 20

The assignment: Free day
Medium: various makeup products (lipstick,eye liner,mascara, mineral powder makeup etc.)
Title: None

I hadn't realized how creepy this was until

Contrast, color and brightness adjusted to get this image

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

365 day 19

Day 19
The Assignment: Free day
Medium: MS Paint
Title: None

Thoughts: I felt my past entries were making my blog look pretty 'bleh' with all the black and white so I decided to do something colorful. It's not my best MS paint work but it was fun to make.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

365 day 16,17 and 18

Day 16: Free day
Medium: various pens
Title: My off day

Ummm...a flower?

Ummm...a bird?

A mysterious eye! Ooooh!

Thoughts: Ever wonder what an off day looks like for me? Well. Here it is.

Day 17
The Assignment: Make a stamp out of a potato
Medium:potato and ink
Title: A Rose

Day 18
The Assignment: Free day
Medium: black marker
Title: None

Sunday, February 6, 2011

365 day 14 and 15

Day 14
The assignment: Free day!
Medium: Pencil
Title: None

Roughly inspired by the Sri Lankan national flower; the Water Lilly in honor of Sri Lanka's Independence day (Feb. 4th)

Day 15
The Assignment: Work with Magazines
Medium: magazine clippings,rubber cement
Title: My love for Nutella

In honor of World Nutella day; February 5th, 2011.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 12 and 13

Day 12
The assignment: Work with just red items or colors.
Medium: red marker, red pen, red colored pencil
Title: My bloody garden

Yes. The 'theme' is exactly what you think it is. Sorry boys.
Day 13
The assignment: Free day!
Medium: black marker
Title: None
In honor of the 2011 Chinese New year; the year of the rabbit.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

365 day 11

The assignment: Free day!
Medium: water color
Title: None

Thoughts: These paintings were inspired by the ice storm that is currently paralyzing  central Indiana as we speak. Also, you may have noticed that I'm not going exactly by the book (surprise!). To be honest, some of the activities in the book are pretty involved and sometimes I simply don't have the time. Also, I really didn't feel like taking a five minute walk and building something out of the dead leaves and ice surrounding me.