Sunday, March 28, 2010

1st Quarter Review and A Stranger in the Night

Technically my '2nd quarter' won't start until my birthday but what the hey. I can't resist the refreshing feeling of starting a new blog. Sitting back and reflecting over the past 25 years (well the past 20 years at least) I have to admit that life hasn't treated me so bad. I finished high school, college, moved out of Goshen before it smothered my soul, discovered that my mom and I can actually get along, met my other half and learned that this big bad real world isn't really that big and bad.At least it doesn't' seem to be so bad thus far. Well enough  reflection and on to the stranger in the night...

Last night around 11:30ish while I was playing Grand Theft Auto and Matthew was surfing the net, someone gave two loud BANGS at our door.. Naturally it scared the shit out of me and I instantly retreated like a whipped puppy to the back of the easy chair where Matthew was sitting. We waited in silence for a moment to see if the banging would start again but it did not. After a few more minutes Matthew cautiously checked the door with a chef knife in tow but whoever had been there was now gone. Thankfully the rest of the night was uneventful but needless to say it was hard to sleep with every Dateline, 20/20 and 48 hour Mystery now wrecking havoc on my imagination. Who was it? Why did they do it? Would they come back? Did they intend to break in? Is our door strong enough? To be honest some of these questions are still running through the back of my mind.

It's strange how quickly your world can be shaken. One moment I'm sitting there with a false sense of 'B.A.M.F.'ness from hours of virtually stealing cars, shooting down criminals and out running the 'po po', then the next moment I'm cowering behind an easy chair wondering if my last day on earth had really been spent playing a stupid video game.

In short, it was freaky. Hopefully now that I've gotten all those thoughts out of my head and into this blog I can move past it.

Ok that's all!