Monday, January 31, 2011

365 9 and 10

The assignment: Free day!
Medium: Purple Sharpie
Title: Floral Sea Serpent

The assignment: Work with bubble wrap
Medium: bubble wrap,water colors and stamp ink
Title: None

Thoughts: I did this in honor of National bubble wrap day! Yeah, I didn't know there was a day for that either.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

365 day 7 and 8

The Assignment: Regress back to your childhood and utilize skills and utensils you might have used back then.
Medium: colored pencil,marker
Title: Squiggle flower?

 Thoughts: I feel weird posting this. It literally looks like a child's drawing with a penis not so bashfully hidden in the foreground. But the assignment did say to 'regress back into childhood...' and this is probably close to something I would have done when I was five. Meh.

Day 8: Create something using things you collect.
Medium: Jewelry
Title: Jewelry Face

Thoughts: I don't actually collect jewelry. It's just something I happen to have a lot of. That's all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

365 day 6

The assignment: Work with tinfoil
Medium: Tinfoil. duh.
process: I poked holes over a picture of Karl Joseph Bayer ''an Austrian chemist who invented the Bayer process of extracting alumina from bauxite, essential to this day to the economical production of aluminium.'' Wikipedia

This was not as NEARLY hard to produce as it was to photograph. Sorry for the crappy photographs!

The original picture I went by

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

365 day 5

So this probably shouldn't be too surprising but I got sick of flowers. Don't get me wrong I'll still throw in a weird daisy here and there but for now I'm just going to do whatever comes to mind. Besides the book did say that 'the only rules are there are no rules'! Probably my favorite cliche!

The assignment: work with a medium you're comfortable with but use your non dominant hand.
Title: Left hand Sketches
Medium: Pencil

My right hand finally gets to be a star!
Some girl I drew from my mind.
Self portrait

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

365 Day 4

The assignment: Work with the first fruit or vegetable you spot in your kitchen.
Title: The Apple Blossoms
Medium: Small Gala Apple

Monday, January 24, 2011

365 Day 3

The assignment: Make something out of paper, but don't use scissors or glue or draw on it.
Title: paper flower
Medium: construction paper, printer paper, post its and staples

This was a lot harder than I thought it would be since paper usually isn't a medium I use to create things. I think it turned out all right though.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

365 Day 2

Hey so I made it to day 2!

The Assignment: Use your favorite animal as your inspiration.

Title: Cat Flower
Medium: pencil, colored pencils, markers

Tune in tomorrow for something made of paper!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

365 day 1

The assignment: "...make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the materials in your immediate environment."

Title: Palm Flower
Medium: My hand and a purple sharpie

Close up with contrast adjusted to make the color 'pop'.

Tune in tomorrow for a cat flower! Why? Just wait and see!